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OpenMoney A2A payments

OpenMoney Payments is an end-to-end infrastructure for mobile-first all-to-all payments and a merchant gateway.

Mobile app

Mobile app (currently in development) is an easy-to-use tool to send digital cash to your friends, family, merchants and service providers. Payemnts made from the app don't require user to bother with ETH — they are totally gasless. Furthermore, users can transfer omUSD to peers who don't have an app yet — all that needed is a mobile phone number. More details are coming soon, after app development approaches public beta stage.

Payments gateway

Payments gateway is easy-to-use API for receiving omUSD payments from users. API is currently in development, here is a sneak-peak of frontend SDK:

import React from 'react';

import OpenPaymentComm from 'open-payment-comm-sdk';


const CryptoPayment = () => {
apiKey: API_KEY

// Register callbacks
BuyWithCrypto.registerCallback('onSuccess', (e) => {
console.log('Payment Successful', e);
// Additional success handling logic here

BuyWithCrypto.registerCallback('onFailure', (e) => {
console.error('Payment Failed', e);
// Additional failure handling logic here

BuyWithCrypto.registerCallback('onPaymentDetected', (e) => {
console.log('Payment Detected', e);
// Additional handling logic for detected but unconfirmed payment

const handlePayment = () => {
const productDetails = [{id: 'prod_101', count: 2}, {id: 'prod_102', count: 1}];
const checkoutId = BuyWithCrypto.createCheckout(productDetails);

return (
<button onClick={handlePayment}>
Pay with Cryptocurrency

export default CryptoPayment;